Sunday, November 3, 2013

Today marks the first day in a 30 day project around writing. Every day from now until December 3rd, I'm going to write something creatively. I don't know if it'll be prose, poetry, a short story, or what have you; frankly, 30 Days of Prose just sounded great. Some of the entries, most of the entries, are likely to be shoddy at best. However, I hope both you and I can find a diamond in the rough.

Also, as an asides, please bear with me through the website's design woes. I'm making progress, but it is slow to be sure.


Oh, were it so that every wish came true
the moment it left my heart,
and instead of forlorn it gave rise to new morn,
a picture as in art.

Yet now I sit wishing, maybe hopelessly,
maybe hopeful but still,
I know it is better to be denied every letter
than carelessly granted my will.

The question is ever asked of me
"how does failure drive you on?",
and for my part I reply "it's your failure, not mine, 
that beckons my dreams be gone."